Monday, November 16, 2009

It's Getting A Little Better!

It seems one of the sites that I belong to which has to do with reading emails is getting to be a little bit more profitable!

It seems that someone signed up using my referral link and now I earned a small (a few cents) commission when they read one of their own "paid to read email" messages!

It's just a few pennies but I see where this referred person is starting to read a lot of their paid emails and my (small) commission is adding up!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Free Gift Card Offers Not So Free!

One of the things that is bothering me about some of these so-called free gift card offers is that one of the requirements to get them is that they want you to give them credit card information. This is something that I really don't agree with and so far when I get these kinds of sponsored emails from the paid survey sites that I belong to (so far) I don't apply for them. I go on to something else. However you may feel differently about this when considering the kind of sponsored emails that you choose to participate in.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I Joined Another Paid Survey-Like Site!

I saw this site recommended from someone else's blog. It got high reviews so I decided to join this site as well. I found out some interesting information about how you go about joining this particular survey site.

While signing up for it doesn't seem to be too difficult, in order to qualify and join the program you have to first click on one of their offers. Now this shouldn't sound so bad but so far all of these offers require you to either order something or give them your credit card number! It also seems that more than a few of these offers are for video clubs - sort of comparable to places like Netflix and the like. There was even an offer to join one of Yahoo's sites but even for that free membership you have to give them a valid credit card number. Some of the offers even included signing up for getting a new credit card! Other offers include signing up for magazine and newspaper subscriptions.

The bottom line is that this particular site does not look too appealing! And now I'm still wondering if it is all worth it?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I'm Really Getting Disallusioned With These "Paid" Sites!

Maybe its just me but I'm getting the feeling that these paid for survey sites are just not what they are all cracked up to be!

But - hey - like I said - maybe its just me!

I'm currently going through some of my "paid for reading email" sites and it just seems like one has to go through so much just to earn a couple of cents for reading emails.

The latest email that I am reading is an advertisement for government auctions. Now as someone that does grant research, I know that there are government auctions where one can purchase properties at lesser price. And with the way that the economy is now there are even more houses for sale because of foreclosures and tax auctions and the like.

The email I'm reading now is for a company that seems to sell listings for properties at government auctions. While you should be able to find this information both online and offline for yourself, this company seems to have found a way to make it easier for you to get a listing of properties being offered for sale at government auctions.

So I read this piece of email and go to their website and I earn a few cents for doing so. Unfortunately what this company does not know is that I do grant research and I already know where to find this kind of information for myself but that doesn't mean that everybody who chooses to read their email / advertisement is in the same kind of business and I'm assuming that they are hoping to get more clients this way.

I guess there are more worse things that you could do with your time to earn money online and I still haven't made a final decision as to whether or not I still like going through this kind of effort to make a few cents online. So I'm still keeping an open mind about it.